Una dintre principalele bariere în implementarea proiectelor din domeniul eficienței energetice și energiei regenerabile ține de capacitatea redusă de absorbție a autorităților publice locale. Practic, niciun proiect major de succes nu a fost implementat cu forțe proprii de administrația locală, practic toate fiind realizate cu suportul donatorilor externi. Un alt aspect problematic se referă la lipsa specialiștilor calificați în domeniu, care trebuie remunerați corespunzător. Opiniile au fost exprimate în cadrul unei dezbateri, organizate de Institutul pentru Politici și Reforme Europene, transmite IPN.

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‘Covenant of Mayors East’ held an online awareness-raising event in the Republic of Moldova about the benefits of participation in the initiative. The event targeted inactive and potential signatories of ‘Covenant of Mayors East’ in the country.

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Joi, 19 Noiembrie 2020 15:58

Moldova energy and biomass project

The Moldova Energy and Biomass Project, funded by EU, co-funded and implemented by UNDP, aims to contribute to a more secure, competitive and sustainable energy production in the Republic of Moldova. It lays the basis for the establishment of functional markets for biomass technologies while increasing the use of renewable energy sources, in particular for heating public buildings and households in rural areas. New jobs and income are created and secured through the establishment of value-added chains at the local and regional level through the supply of biomass fuel and technologies.


Published in STUDII DE CAZ

The long-term goal of the Project was in reforming the manner in which agricultural, forestry and other production activities are planned and regulated across different land units and tenure categories at the landscape level.
The Project focus was biodiversity conservation, however it addressed anticipated negative impacts of Climate Change (CC) by increasing resilience of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the targeted districts. By removing the precursors of degradation and careful monitoring of the self-restoration 14 capacities of steppe, forest, meadows and swamp the project contributes to higher resilience of the ecosystems and the species they host, to CC impacts. The project also provisioned afforestation, influencing future humidity conditions through changes in both, temperature and precipitation.


Published in STUDII DE CAZ

This is a success story of two small municipalities on how they can contribute at the local level to the global targets within the Covenant of Mayors Initiative. The actions took place in Cantemir and Ocnita, Republic of Moldova. Both cities have committed to reduce their energy consumption and CO2 emissions by 20% till 2020 and developed the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAPs). Among dozens of the projects included into the SEAPS, municipalities have focused and implemented ones on modernization of the street lighting systems using innovative technologies and best European practices.


Published in STUDII DE CAZ

The EU funded project “Cantemir: Thermal rehabilitation of educational buildings - CanTREB» was implemented within the framework of Covenant of Mayors Demonstration Program by Cantemir municipality and NGO “Alliance for Energy efficiency and Renewables”. 4 public buildings (2 kindergartens, lyceum and gymnasium) have been thermally refurbished in the line with the best European practices and allowed municipality to reduce costs for their maintenance and operation as well as improve indoor conditions for children and staff of public institutions. Moreover, biomass boiled is constructed to provide heat energy for modernized buildings.


Published in STUDII DE CAZ

This 7-storeyed multi-apartment building, located in Chisinau, is the first example in the Republic of Moldova where the old heating and domestic hot water (DHW) systems were completely redesigned and replaced with the joint efforts of the Association of co-owners, the district heating (DH) company Termoelectrica and each of individual apartment owner.


Published in STUDII DE CAZ

The most energy-efficient public building in Moldova is DoReMiCi kindergarten in Calarasi (50 km from Chisinau). It has been designed and built according to German passive house standards.


Published in STUDII DE CAZ

Aleea Convenției Primarilor a fost plantată joi, 22 octombrie 2020, în parcul de la intrarea în oraşul Stăuceni, municipiul Chişinău. Puieţii au fost oferiţi de către proiectul UE „Convenţia Primarilor – Est”, drept premiu pentru participarea activă a localității în cadrul Săptămânii Europene a Energiei Durabile. De asemenea, aleea a fost completată cu arbori achiziționați de primăria Stăuceni. La evenimentul de plantare au participat primarul Alexandru Vornicu, viceprimarul Sergiu Lazarencu, reprezentantul Delegației Uniunii Europene în Republica Moldova Ion Guzun și expertul național al Convenției Primarilor în Moldova Victor Parlicov

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  • Место события Stăuceni, Republica Moldova
  • Дата события Joi, 22 Octombrie 2020
Published in Новости - NEWS

Proiectul „Convenția Primarilor – Est” în Moldova a desfășurat, la 27 octombrie 2020, un training on-line dedicat creșterii conștientizării privind participarea în Convenția Primarilor. La eveniment au participat reprezentanți EUD Moldova, ai structurilor se sprijin la nivel național, reprezentanți ai mai multor primării. Instruirea a fost dedicată semnatarilor pasivi ai Convenției Primarilor în Moldova (CoM) şi potenţialilor semnatari. 

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  • Место события Online, Republica Moldova
  • Дата события Marți, 27 Octombrie 2020
Published in Новости - NEWS
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