Georgia: start of the training on the theme: “Development of SECAP”, 28-29/05/2019

28 მაი 2019

Today, the representatives of the Georgian Covenant of Mayors city-signatories, CoM National & Territorial Coordinators and Supporters gathered in Tbilisi’s Hotel “Coste” to participate in a 2-day (28-29 May, 2019) training “Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan (SECAP) Development”.

In the course of the theoretical and practical training sessions the representatives of CoM signatories will acquire necessary knowledge to develop Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans for their municipalities, including SECAP content, available tools and methodologies for BEI and RVA preparation, information on adaptation chapter in SECAP which is rather new for Georgia, common technical measures for climate mitigation and adaptation, identification of the most attractive and effective energy efficiency and adaptation measures for selected sectors as well as discuss the best practices on SECAP development and implementation.

Back to their home towns the trainees will be able to work on the development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans-tool for cities and municipalities to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate climate and energy policies, and in doing so meet the commitments undertaken under CoM initiative and contribute to both local and global mitigation and adaptation achievements.