Georgia: Katarina Mathernova witnesses the improvement of lives in Kakheti due to the EU supported projects
Georgia: Katarina Mathernova witnesses the improvement of lives in Kakheti due to the EU supported projects

Ms Katarina Mathernova, Deputy Director-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission, paid a visit to Kakheti region, Georgia on July 16-17, 2018.


The two-day trip of Ms Mathernova was highlighted by a site visit to the kindergarten #1 in Telavi and the kindergarten of Ikalto village. Both public buildings have been selected for a comprehensive energy efficient modernisation within the “Biomass Energy and Energy Efficient Technologies as Sustainable Energy Solutions for Georgian CoM Signatories” project, which is funded within the EU Programme “Covenant of Mayors – Demonstration Projects” (CoM-DeP) and co-financed by the Telavi Municipality City Hall. In the course of refurbishment, the kindergartens will receive modern autonomous heating systems on biomass residues (vine tree prunings) and other energy efficient technologies. The project will also boost public involvement in solving energy efficiency issues and promoting a wider use of renewable energy sources.

"The European Union has been supporting Kakheti for many years,” Ms Mathernova mentioned during her visit. “I have witnessed some of the fruits of this support. I met with people whose lives have improved thanks to the EU, such as farmers and entrepreneurs in Lagodekhi and Kvareli. Local initiatives supported by the EU led to economic development, social benefits, and empowerment of citizens.”

The Deputy Director-General assured of stepping up the EU support in the region, in particular by fostering “energy-efficient rehabilitation of kindergartens, financial support to micro-enterprises and community centres as well as providing vocational education training adapted to market needs.”

Earlier, Ms Mathernova also visited two other municipalities in Kakheti – Lagodekhi and Kvareli, the CoM Signatories, where she met with the EU funded project beneficiaries, representatives of local authorities and residents of the municipalities.

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