Moldova hosts third Municipal Development Cooperation Platform meeting, advancing sustainable energy and climate action
Moldova hosts third Municipal Development Cooperation Platform meeting, advancing sustainable energy and climate action

The third meeting of the Municipal Development Cooperation Platform took place in Chișinău. It was organized within the framework of the Covenant of Mayors-East project, with the financial support of the European Union.

The topics addressed included sustainable local development, increasing energy efficiency, increasing the use of green energy as a solution to mitigate climate change and the role of local authorities in promoting sustainable energy and environmental protection.

During the meeting, challenges and solutions in implementing SECAPs were also discussed, and the most important aspects were included in the national roadmap of CoM-East regarding investments in energy and adaptation to climate change.

Minister of Energy Victor Parlicov described the Ministry of Energy's priorities relevant to local public authorities, mentioning amendments to the Law on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources. The document allows local public authorities to create energy communities and provides for allocating capacity quotas within the "net billing" support mechanism.
Additionally, the Minister mentioned an energy efficiency obligation scheme introduced in 2024 will feed into the Energy Efficiency Fund in Moldova's Residential sector.

"This year will be a pilot for these investments, followed by an ESCO-type investment mechanism, managed by the National Center for Sustainable Energy, dedicated to public authorities," said the Minister of Energy.

Speaking about environmental priorities, Minister Rodica Iordanov urged signatories to participate in the National Program for the Expansion and Rehabilitation of Forests, the implementation of which will make us more resilient to climate change. This result will also be possible by afforesting land within local authorities over the next ten years, subject to erosion, landslides, and unsuitable for agricultural use, as well as by rehabilitating protective forest belts for fields.

The Minister also emphasized that promoting sustainable energy and environmental protection are the main objectives of the National System for Monitoring and Reporting Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Reducing the level of CO2 locally is a major objective for Covenant signatories.
Covenant signatories reiterated the need for governmental support to achieve climate neutrality objectives.

During the event, opportunities from the "Climate City Gap Fund" were presented, which provides support to Covenant signatories. The project submitted by the municipality of Bălți to this international fund has already been selected for funding. Also, with the support of the Covenant of Mayors office, a project of the municipality of Strășeni was approved for another international program - Urban Transition Mission.

Additionally, the results achieved by 10 localities through the project "Energy-Resilient Communities for Moldova with the Support of the Diaspora and Native Associations," realized with the financial support of the German government through GIZ Moldova, aimed to reduce dependence on traditional energy sources at the local level, contribute to reducing high energy bills, and, last but not least, improve the quality of the environment.
A solemn moment was the awarding of flags and diplomas of accession to the Covenant of Mayors for four new localities: Gangura, Zaim, Coropceni, and Chetrosu.

Following the vote of those present, the new members of the Platform's permanent Group were elected on behalf of the Covenant signatories. This position was delegated to Ms. Valentina Casian, Mayor of Strășeni, President, and Mr. Alexandr Petcov, Mayor of Bălți, Co-Chair.

Last but not least, the objectives and activities of the CoM-East Action Plan for 2024 were presented.

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