From 18th to 22nd of March, 2019 19 mayors and deputy mayors from 6 countries of the Eastern Partnership will take part in a study tour for representatives of the city-signatories of the Covenant of Mayors, organized by the EU Project "Covenant of Mayors - East". The main goal of the program is to increase the potential of cities in the development and implementation of sustainable energy and climate development policies in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors by learning from the experience of partners from Eastern Europe.

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Municipal Development Coordination Platform (MDCP) first meeting was organized on March 15, 2019 in Hotel Courtyard Marriott. The MDCP - the same Mayors' Club is considered to be a discussion club which serves as a main platform for multi channel horizontal information exchange as well as discussion forum of problems and barriers, a space where national/sub national actions and initiatives are defined.

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Friday, 15 March 2019 13:49

EU4Energy: competition starts today!

The EU4Energy competition starts today! What EU neighbours east page on Facebook, Instagram or Vkontakte and share with Babushka at least one tip which you use to save energy at home. Don't miss the chance to win a virtual reality headset!

On March 14, 2019, the first meeting of the members of the Covenant of Mayors Club in Armenia, organized within the framework of the EC “Covenant of Mayors - East” project, took place in Yerevan.

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Ukraine: Municipal Development Coordination Platform "Energy and Climate Transformation", Slavutych, 26/02/2019 (7:34)

Делегація від Пирятинської ОТГ на чолі з міським головою Олексієм Рябоконем взяла участь у муніципальній платформі „Обгорення Дорожньої карти для усунення бар’єрів при залученні інвестицій в ПДСЕР (К)“ у м.Миргород.

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