Well-lit city streets and lower bills: lighting refurbishment in Chernivtsi in Ukraine completed with EU support
Well-lit city streets and lower bills: lighting refurbishment in Chernivtsi in Ukraine completed with EU support
Thursday, 13 May 2021 13:22

Well-lit city streets and lower bills: lighting refurbishment in Chernivtsi in Ukraine completed with EU support N.Frolova Thu, 05/13/2021 - 15:22

Photo: European Union

Over 100,000 residents of the Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi feel more comfortable and safe in the well-lit city streets at night, while the city authorities get lower electricity bills. These are the first outcomes of the energy-efficiency project ‘Sustainable Energy Action Plan for Local Social-Economic Development: Practical Implementation of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan towards Sustainable, Smart and Energy-Efficiency City Lighting in the City of Chernivtsi’.

The project was implemented by the city with the financial support of the European Union under its Covenant of Mayors initiative. The total project cost is more than €1.5 million, with 80% covered by an EU grant.

Over three years of the project’s implementation, one-third of the city’s street lighting network has been refurbished. Almost 4,000 street lamps have been replaced with energy-efficient LED lamps, while 88km of electricity grids have been refurbished. In the nighttime lamps will work at lower capacity that will enable to save even more electricity. In three city districts, 16 solar panels have been installed, and three pedestrian crossings have been lit.

According to preliminary estimates, energy consumption will go down by 62% (€84,100 in actual annual savings) as a result of the project.

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