EU4Energy: Enhanced Communication on Energy Efficiency
EU4Energy: Enhanced Communication on Energy Efficiency
Wednesday, 12 June 2019 20:22

EU4Energy: Enhanced Communication on Energy Efficiency anna.iovchu Wed, 06/12/2019 - 22:22


Brief Description

The EU-funded project “Enhanced Communication on Energy Efficiency” aimed to raise public awareness on energy efficiency in the residential sector, preparing the ground for institutional communication around the future Energy Efficiency Fund in Ukraine. An information campaign under the name “Energy of Your Home” was organised in five cities - Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odesa and Zaporizhia - from February to November 2017.


Why is the project necessary?

An important milestone in the energy sector of Ukraine was established when a number of laws were adopted (“On the Energy Efficiency Fund”, “On Energy Efficiency in Buildings”, “On Commercial Accounting of Public Utility Services”, and “On Housing and Public Utility Services”). These lay the groundwork for implementing energy reforms in the country.

The project addressed this issue by communicating on important energy efficiency issues in the residential sector, especially among Home Owners Associations (HOAs), the main clients of the Energy Efficiency Fund.

Actions in brief

How is the project helping?

The project started by assessing the level of public awareness on energy efficiency issues in the pilot cities, revealing attitudes towards energy efficiency measures. The resulting campaign promoted funding opportunities and the benefits of investments and measures to increase energy efficiency, as well as fostering behavioural changes among the citizens of Ukrainian municipalities.

The project also created a platform for exchanging experience in ways to improve energy efficiency and attract funding instruments in the residential sector by engaging HOAs and other civil society organisations, local authorities, experts, media and other actors in the sector.

What results have been achieved?

The project’s activities reached millions of residents of apartment buildings in Ukrainian municipalities through a combination of outdoor, audio-visual, printed and online promotional tools. Around 13 million people were reached through advertisements on public transport, whilst thematic videos were produced for use on inter-city trains and social media, reaching a total audience of over 19 million people.


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