Leading Ukrainian pharmaceutical manufacturer Farmak to become energy efficient
Leading Ukrainian pharmaceutical manufacturer Farmak to become energy efficient
Thursday, 11 July 2019 13:42

Leading Ukrainian pharmaceutical manufacturer Farmak to become energy efficient o.polyuga Thu, 07/11/2019 - 15:42

Photo: EBRD

Ukraine’s market leader in pharmaceutical manufacturing, PJSC Farmak, will take a big step forward in its research and development, as well as energy efficiency. Energy efficiency improvements include the introduction of an integrated automation and energy management system.

The five-year loan of up to €15 million from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will be used to support the expansion of Farmak’s production of liquid dosage forms and the modernisation of its laboratories. It will help Farmak develop and produce its own new drug formulations, meet relevant EU standards and in turn compete in international markets and boost its exports.

The loan was supported by the Finance and Technology Transfer Centre for Climate Change (FINTECC) programme, with a grant of €30,643, which covered the energy audit of Farmak’s production facilities. FINTECC is designed to transfer technology in the area of climate change mitigation and adaptation. This project was supported by funds from the European Union.

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