Tuesday, 18 December 2018 15:26

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019!

Dear Colleagues, Partners and Friends,

On behalf of the multinational CoM East team we wish you a very Happy Holiday season!

Published in Новости - NEWS
Monday, 17 December 2018 09:26

Katowice: CoM East participation in COP 24

From the 2nd to the 15th of December 2018, the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was held in the Polish city of Katowice, where methodological and financial issues of cooperation between the Parties to the Convention were discussed, and institutional and procedural mechanisms for implementing the Paris agreement.

Published in Новости - NEWS

Две ключевые инициативы ЕС - «Соглашение мэров по климату и энергии» и «Мэры за экономический рост» - объединили усилия для привлечения свыше 320 мэров из стран Восточного партнерства.

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В XXI веке во всем мире муниципалитеты играют все более важную роль в осуществлении реальных изменений на местах и непосредственно влияют на условия жизни населения. Международное движение "Соглашение мэров по климату и энергии" - один из ярких тому примеров. В Беларуси к инициативе присоединились уже 48 городских и районных администраций, которые планируют развиваться на принципах устойчивой энергетики и смягчать свое воздействие на климат (во всем мире таких городов более 8 тыс.).

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About 400 representatives of local and national authorities from Eastern Partnership countries, as well as EU representatives, took part at the high-level conference “Municipalities for Sustainable Growth” which took place on 22-23 November in Kyiv. The meeting fostered dialogue on the role of local municipalities in identifying and addressing the complexities of sustainable development, economic resilience, and climate action.

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  • Место события Украина, Киев
  • Дата события Thursday, 22 November 2018
Published in Новости - NEWS

On November 22-23 two major EU-funded Initiatives for the Eastern Partnership countries – the Covenant of Mayors and Mayors for Economic Growth – organise the High-Level Conference “Municipalities for Sustainable Growth”in the President Hotel, Kyiv (Hospitalna Street, 12). The event will focus the role of Local Authorities in identifying and addressing the complexities of sustainable development, economic resilience and climate action. Over 400representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, as well as EU representatives, will participate in the event.

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  • Место события 22-23.11.2018, Ukraine, Kiev
  • Дата события Thursday, 22 November 2018
Published in Новости - NEWS

On October 17, 2018, the first meeting of the Covenant of Mayors Club took place in Minsk. About 40 representatives of local authorities and public organizations of the cities-signatories of The Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy came together to approve the Regulations on the Club's activities, outline a joint strategy and work plan for the Club for the coming year, and elect the Chairman of the Club.

Published in Новости - NEWS

Дружба с Европой казалась нереальной в 2008 году, а уже сегодня 48 городов из Беларуси являются участниками Соглашения мэров.

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This special issue is devoted to the celebration of the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018 in Eastern Partnership countries. It highlights a large variety of activities and events organised by the local public authorities, private institutions and civil society organisations in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The Energy Days were aimed to promote among citizens and businesses advanced energy efficiency practices, inspire innovative ideas and combine efforts to achieve the EU goals in overcoming the consequences of climate change, improving energy efficiency and energy security.


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