Raphael Chatelet

Raphael Chatelet

Monday, 07 May 2018 14:45

Newsletter #1

In Newsletter #1 you will read about CoM East launching event and signing ceremony in Yerevan (Armenia), project's activity and other issues related to the CoM East.


EN     RU 

Першими українськими містами, які розробили ПДСЕРК до 2030 року з урахуванням оновлених вимог, стали Білгород-Дністровський та Ізмаїл (Одеська область). Для них ПДСЕРК вже стали офіційними документами, затвердженими міською радою, та надалі формуватимуть раціональну політику у сфері енергоефективності та енергозбереження.

Monday, 07 May 2018 11:21

Служба поддержки

Чтобы связаться со Службой поддержки по общим запросам, со Службой поддержки по техническим или научным запросам или Службой информации, пишите на электронный адрес:

Эл. почта: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Тел. +38 (032) 253 87 04, +38 (032) 253 87 05

Monday, 07 May 2018 10:38

Covenant of Mayors

The Covenant of Mayors is the world's largest movement for local climate and energy actions. The EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy brings together thousands of local governments voluntarily committed to implementing EU climate and energy objectives.

Signatory cities pledge action to support implementation of the EU 40% greenhouse gas-reduction target by 2030 and the adoption of a joint approach to tackling mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

You will find more information on the initiative, its gradual development, the objectives and the current achievements in figures following the link.

Saturday, 05 May 2018 11:20


Uniting thousands of local and regional authorities voluntarily pledged to implement the EU's climate and energy goals

Saturday, 05 May 2018 11:20


Uniting thousands of local and regional authorities voluntarily pledged to implement the EU's climate and energy goals

Saturday, 05 May 2018 11:20


Uniting thousands of local and regional authorities voluntarily pledged to implement the EU's climate and energy goals

Saturday, 05 May 2018 11:20


Uniting thousands of local and regional authorities voluntarily pledged to implement the EU's climate and energy goals

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