Belarus: EU SEW 2018 in Smоrhon, May 2018 (4:18)

Tuesday, 14 May 2019 15:01

Ukraine: Energy Day in Drogobych, June 2019

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In the first half of June Drohobych is planning to hold a seminar on "Energy Audit as the first step towards the implementation of energy efficiency measures in multi-apartment buildings" for representatives of local condominiums.

In Mirgorod, from March 22 to September 22, 2019, events are held as part of the Energy Days 2019.

Chisinau will hold Energy Days from 17/06/2019 to 21/06/2019.

Pokrovskaya OTG will hold on June 3, 2019 Energy Days, dedicated to the International Children's Day.

Vorniceni will hold Energy Days on August 2, 2019.

On June 16 there will be Energy Day in Festelitsa.

Straseni will hold Energy Day on June 1, 2019.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019 07:03

Moldova: Energy Day in Ialoveni, 01/06/2019

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In Ialovena on June 1 there will be Energy Day.

Energy Days will be held in Calarasi from 1 to 21 June.

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