The document is intended to support the signatories of the Covenant of Mayors in the process of developing the SEAP. This guide is the result of joint work between the Joint Research Center and the Covenant of Mayors' Office, with significant contributions from local and regional energy experts.


Guidelines will provide an opportunity to become familiar with the reporting system of the Covenant of Mayors.

EN     RU

Template of the monitoring report on SEAP implementation, which must be completed by signatories of the Covenant of Mayors.


Monday, 18 June 2018 12:09

Reference Data Tool

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The tool contains a database on national energy consumption indicators for different sectors and energy carriers for each of the 11 countries that are members of the "Covenant of Mayors - East" (CoM East) group: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
It should be noted that the tool is designed to provide reference data to help you in the absence of local data. This can be especially useful for small communities where there is no system for collecting local data. To facilitate the use of the reference data tool, a guide to its use was developed, explaining the main input data, as well as the output data calculated by the tool.

EN     RU 

The methodology of the Covenant of Mayors - East was expanded due to the possibility of emission projections based on the "normal development" scenario, from which national coefficients for previous years were obtained. Thus, signatories are able to calculate their emissions inventory from the total amount of total emissions in the base year and their forecasts by 2020.


A handbook for signatories who have just joined the initiative. The document describes the obligations of the signatories, the assistance that the Office of the Covenant of Mayors provides, the various stages of the obligations of the signatories.

EN     RU

Guidelines for the development of a general SEAP for local authorities interested in preparing a joint action plan.

EN     RU

Guidelines for the analysis of the General SEAP for Territorial Coordinators of the Covenant of Mayors.

EN     RU

The document describes the processes of SEAP submission and verification that are carried out by the Covenant of Mayors' Office and the Joint Research Center for the approval of the SEAP in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors Initiative.

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