CoM East: Train-the-trainers workshop

15 ოქტ 2020

On October 12-15, 2020the train-the-trainers workshop #2 was held on GoToMeeting platform.

The main objective of the training was to improve the level of knowledge of all teams and more particularly of Country Experts and Helpdesks officers in the field of technical issues of SECAP development and implementation: climate change and adaptation, risks and vulnerabilities, implementation of EE activities, available CoM tools developed so far, etc.

According to the CoM East project work plan, there are two train-the-trainers workshops to be organised. The first workshop was organised in November 2016 and since then numbers of developments and updates in CoM initiative occurred during last years. Considering the need to transfer CoM’s ownership to the national level and due to the requests from Country Experts and Helpdesk officers, it was decided to organise the second workshop in late 2019 or early 2020.

In order to identify needs and knowledge gap of the Country Experts and national Helpdesk officers, the specific needs assessment survey was carried out in June 2019. Participants had the opportunity to identify relevance of 12 suggested topics as well as type of knowledge and/or concrete topic they are interested in.

Screenshot 6

Based on needs of the survey, the training agenda was focused on “green” (strong need to build capacity) and “yellow” (limited need to build capacity).