Середа, 11 вересня 2019 19:06

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Municipalities of the Republic of Moldova become more and more in line with the European and global trends on sustainable energy and climate change adaptation. At this moment, 48 Moldovan cities and towns joined the Covenant of Mayors – the European flagship Initiative, which brings together municipalities that set ambitious local goals on energy and climate. This means

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Lilia Rusu-Curchi
CoM East Communication Expert in Moldova

Moldovan Signato¬ries receive continuous support from the CoM East Project Team and its partners, in particular in the field of improving their capacities in developing and implementing projects to meet their Sustainable Energy (and Climate) Action Plans’ (SE(C)APs) targets. The project organises capacity building events for active Signatories stimulating exchange of information and transfer of the best international practices on energy efficiency and climate change, in particular through a series of thematic trainings and City2City programme. A special attention is paid to financing mechanisms available for the Signatories in order to implement their SE(C)APs as well as promotion of the new Covenant and its benefits amongst local population and media.

To help Signatories bridge the financial gap and implement their SE(C)APs, the EU funded Programme “Covenant of Mayors – Demonstration Projects” (CoM-DeP) was launched, under which in 2018 three Moldovan Signa¬tories received the EU support in the amount of EUR 1.7 million (or 34% of the amount allocated for 5 countries) for implementation of their SE(C)APs. The total number of beneficiaries within three demonstration projects amounts to 20 000 inhabitants. It is expected that as a result of these projects more than 21 km of street lighting system will be modernized in Calarasi, four educational buildings will be renovated up to the best energy efficiency standards, whereas Festelita will pilot the production of its own energy from sustainable sources, both biomass and above all solar.

Country facts & figures

  • 48 Signatories
  • 11 Signatories with accepted SE(C)APs plan to invest 461 mln EUR to fulfill their commitments

Expected Results of Implementing 11 Accepted SE(C)APs

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