At the initiative of the Kharkiv Regional Council as a territorial coordinator of the Covenant of Mayors, as well as with the support of the Association of Local Self-Government Bodies of the Kharkiv region and the EU Project “Covenant of Mayors - East” in Ukraine, on April 16, 2019, a practical seminar on energy efficiency in Ukraine was held for communities: "Energy efficiency in communities: new challenges, new opportunities." 

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Голова Харківської обласної ради, президент Асоціації органів місцевого самоврядування Харківської області Сергій Чернов взяв участь у міжрегіональному практичному семінарі «Енергоефективність у громадах: нові виклики, нові можливості», який проходив у Харківському національному університеті міського господарства імені О. М. Бекетова.

Additional Info

EU Project "Covenant of Mayors - East" will held on 18-19th of April 2019 country-specific training on “Energy efficiency in buildings and local RES” for city-signatories of the Covenant of Mayors.

From 15 to 17 May 2019, a training will be held in Brest for representatives of the city-signatories of the Covenant of Mayors from Belarus and Georgia. The trip will be organized to familiarize participants with strategies and measures of adaption to climate change, as well as examples of other cities in the field of climate and energy.

On April 25-26, 2019, the 3rd Conference of the Covenant of Mayors in Belarus will be held in Polotsk. Currently, 45 Belarusian cities and more than 8,800 cities of Europe have joined this European initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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