On 27-28th February 2020 the two-day communications workshop 'Advancing the Covenant of Mayors in the Eastern Partnership' will be held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus. 

Additional Info

  • Место события Minsk, Republic of Belarus
  • Дата события Thursday, 27 February 2020
Published in Новости - NEWS
Friday, 27 December 2019 07:30

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear Colleagues, dear Partners and dear Friends,

Published in Новости - NEWS

On October 16, 2019 participants of Joint Steering Committee Meeting of Sustainable Urban Demonstration Projects - Support Mechanism (CoM DeP) and Covenant of Mayors East (CoM East) visited Business Accelerator "Spark, which was established by CoM signatory Tbilisi City Hall in partnership with the Georgian Employers' Association and within the framework of the EU Initiative ‘Mayors for Economic Growth’ (M4EG).

Published in Новости - NEWS

Today, October 15, 2019, Tbilisi (Georgia) hosted the Joint Steering Committee meeting of the two projects under the Covenant of Mayors initiative – Covenants of Mayors East (CoM East) and Covenants of Mayors – Demonstration Projects (CoM-DeP).

Published in Новости - NEWS
Monday, 02 September 2019 08:55

Belarus: Polesie Energy

Pinsk District joined the Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy in April 2018 and has become one of the most active participants. The district estimated that the total greenhouse gas emissions in 2012 amounted to 130 590 tons of CO2 and that by 2030 the district is ready to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30%. Now local authorities are in the process of developing and adopting an action plan for sustainable energy and climate development, in accordance with which it is necessary to ensure that the level of greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 is no higher than 91,413 tons of CO2. At the same time, the consumption of fuel and energy resources will be reduced by 13213 MWh and the use of renewable energy will be increased by 30197 MWh. 

Published in Новости - NEWS

The special issue is fully devoted to the wide celebration of the EUSEW 2019 and Energy Days organised by the CoM Signatories in 6 Eastern Partnership countries. The Newsletter highlights the vast diversity of activities carried out in the municipalities aimed at promoting energy saving initiatives among citizens and move towards clean, secure and affordable energy.


EN     RU 

A participatory approach was added in the development of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for the city of Polack.

AM     AZ     BY     EN     GE     MD     RU     UA

Published in Case studies

The “Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings” project, managed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), aims at removing legislative, institutional and technological barriers to improve energy efficiency in new residential buildings in Belarus.

AM     AZ     BY     EN     GE     MD     RU     UA

Published in Case studies

The Covenant of Mayors - East project continues with thematic study visits for representatives of signatories to EU countries.

Published in Новости - NEWS

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