This special issue is devoted to the celebration of the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018 in Eastern Partnership countries. It highlights a large variety of activities and events organised by the local public authorities, private institutions and civil society organisations in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The Energy Days were aimed to promote among citizens and businesses advanced energy efficiency practices, inspire innovative ideas and combine efforts to achieve the EU goals in overcoming the consequences of climate change, improving energy efficiency and energy security.


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Ms Katarina Mathernova, Deputy Director-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission, paid a visit to Kakheti region, Georgia on July 16-17, 2018.

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კახეთის რეგიონის 7 მუნციპალიტეტეტის მერია შეუერთდა ევროკავშირის პროგრამას - „მერების შეთანხმება - აღმოსავლეთი“. 2014 წლიდან თელავის მუნიციპალიტეტის მერია ჩართულია აღნიშნულ პროგრამაში, რომლის ფარგლებშიც, თელავის მუნიციპალიტეტში მოხდა მნიშვნელოვანი ენეგროეფექტური პროექტების განხორციელება. 2018 წლის 15 მარტიდან კი კახეთის მხარეში სახელმწიფო რწმუნებულის - გუბერნატორის ადმინისტრაციის კოორდინირებით, „მერების შეთანხმების“ პროგრამას კახეთის ყველა მუნიციპალიტეტი შეუერთდება. 

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Церемония подписания Соглашения мэров муниципалитетами региона Кахети состоялась в историческом музее города Телави.

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Семь городов Кахети стали подписантами Соглашения мэров

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The Covenant Territorial Coordinators from Georgia and Ukraine can apply!

The call for a new edition of the twinning programme of the European Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy is now open. The Covenant twinning programme offers cities, regions and provinces the opportunity to take part in twinning exchanges that aim to increase local authorities’ capacity and knowledge to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Published in Новости - NEWS

Throughout month of June the Georgian Covenant of Mayors signatories have been joining the EUSEW 2018. The Signatories organised Sustainable Energy Days in their cities involving citizens, both youth and adults, in various interactive events. The theme of this year's EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) was 'lead the clean energy transition’.

Published in Новости - NEWS

On March 14, 2018, the Mayor of Telavi municipality Mr. Shota Nareklishvili as well as the deputy-mayor, Mr. Giorgi Tushishvili and representative of relevant department of the municipality met “Covenant of Mayors-East” National Expert in Georgia and Azerbaijan and the representatives of the Energy Efficiency Center, official Covenant of Mayors supporter in Georgia.

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