On March 19, 2019, the participants of the program “City2City” visited the joint-stock company “Rigas Siltums”, which is the main supplier of heat in the city of Riga.

The company is engaged in the production, distribution and sale of thermal energy, as well as provides maintenance of internal heating systems in buildings.

Published in Новости - NEWS

On March 19, 2019, a working meeting of the EU Project "Covenant of Mayors - East" project was held in Zhytomyr within the framework of the Municipal Platform for city-signatories of the Covenant of Mayors from the central and western regions of Ukraine and EEA Award Ceremony. The moderator of the meeting, Oksana Kysil, National expert of the EU Project "Covenant of Mayors - East" in Ukraine, spoke about the Platform's tasks and functions, and invited Mayor of Zhytomyr Sergei Sukhomlyn to attest to the participation of the city in MDCP.

Published in Новости - NEWS

From 18th to 22nd of March, 2019 19 mayors and deputy mayors from 6 countries of the Eastern Partnership will take part in a study tour for representatives of the city-signatories of the Covenant of Mayors, organized by the EU Project "Covenant of Mayors - East". The main goal of the program is to increase the potential of cities in the development and implementation of sustainable energy and climate development policies in the framework of the Covenant of Mayors by learning from the experience of partners from Eastern Europe.

Published in Новости - NEWS
Friday, 15 March 2019 13:49

EU4Energy: competition starts today!

The EU4Energy competition starts today! What EU neighbours east page on Facebook, Instagram or Vkontakte and share with Babushka at least one tip which you use to save energy at home. Don't miss the chance to win a virtual reality headset! http://bit.ly/2Ep9yyF

Published in Новости - NEWS

On March 13, 2019, a Road Map discussion was held in the conference-hall of the Mirgorod City Council on how to remove barriers for attracting investment within the framework of the Municipal Platform in Ukraine.

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  • Место события Mirgorod
  • Дата события Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Published in Новости - NEWS

On 13th of March  EU neighbours east is launching a new contest to learn from the Babushka how to save energy and money! All you have to do is share your own secret tips and you could win a virtual reality headset. Get ready! http://bit.ly/2Ep9yyF

Published in Новости - NEWS

EEA Award Ceremony of Zhytomyr city and Working meeting of the MDCP will be conducted in Zhytomyr on the 19th of March 2019

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  • Место события Zhytomyr
  • Дата события Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Published in Новости - NEWS

On March 13, 2019, a round table on project management within the framework of SE(C)AP and Municipal Platform "Energy and Climate Transformation" will be organized in Mirgorod.

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  • Место события Миргород
  • Дата события Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Published in Новости - NEWS

Exchange your ideas on climate action with peers from around the world, find new inspiration, voice your recommendations to policy makers: apply for the international conference Climate Neighbourhoods CN2019 until 15th March!

Additional Info

  • Место события Heidelberg
  • Дата события Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Published in Новости - NEWS

У місті Славутич (26 лютого) відбувся публічний захід, присвячений муніципальній платформі розвитку "Енергетична і кліматична трансформація" як майданчик для діалогу між державними органами влади, муніципалітетами, фінансовими інститутами, незалежними експертами та громадськими організаціями. Миргород на заході представляв міський голова Сергій Соломаха.

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