Ukraine: Another residential building made more energy efficient thanks to EU support
Ukraine: Another residential building made more energy efficient thanks to EU support
პარასკევი, 03 აპრილი 2020 14:08

Ukraine: Another residential building made more energy efficient thanks to EU support o.polyuga Fri, 04/03/2020 - 16:08

Photo: Energy Efficiency Fund Ukraine

The ‘First movers’ project has shared a new success story about implementing energy efficiency measures in a residential building in Lviv, Ukraine.

The apartment building ‘Air 92’ will benefit from Grant Package B, which includes setting up individual heating units, balancing the heat supply system and insulating all heat pipes. The residents of the 9-storey block of flats expect the implemented measures to cut their heating bills by 30%. The total project cost is over 1,600,000 UAH (55,000 EUR as at 3 April 2020), of which the grant amount is nearly 702,000 UAH (23,500 EUR).

The ‘First movers’ project covers 15 homeowner associations across Ukraine and is implemented by the Energy Efficiency Fund. The EU is one of the biggest co-financers of the multi-donor fund whose aim is to support thermal modernisation initiatives in Ukraine by reducing the level of energy consumption and СО2 emissions in the residential sector.

Find out more

Press release in Ukrainian

EU4Energy programme

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