
Local Climate and Energy Days

Local Climate and Energy Days (3)

Wednesday, 16 May 2018 08:17

What is a Local Climate and Energy Day?

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A Climate and Energy Day is a local event that aims to raise public awareness on issues such as energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources, resilience to climate change and the links between energy and climate change. Usually organized during a specific period, the types of events may vary, but often include activities such as workshops, exhibitions, guided visits and open-door days. Examples of local Energy Days in the Covenant online agenda.


Energy Days may also be held together with other events (for example, with the day of the city/town) organized by municipal authorities and/or other organizations.


During event organization attention should be paid to availability of such information materials as brochures, leaflets, prospectuses that facilitate access of residents and event participants to information.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018 08:17

Why organise Local Climate and Energy Days?

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As the Action Plan concerns the whole territory - not only municipal buildings and vehicles but also private housing, tertiary sector and transport - it is thus crucial to involve local stakeholders and citizens in the preparation and implementation of the Action Plan.


Each Covenant signatory can increase the level of their involvement through efficient communication and awareness raising activities focused on their energy and climate objectives.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018 08:19

How to get support?

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On the Covenant of Mayors website, you can find inspiration for your local energy days in the agenda of CoM-relevant events.


Furthermore, every year the European Commission hosts the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions. An essential part of EUSEW is the Local Energy Days, organized by local authorities throughout Europe.


A Local Energy Day is defined as a not-for-profit event, activity, project, exhibition or display that promotes energy efficiency or renewable energy. Activities such as exhibitions, conferences, online events, performances, guided tours, open door days, workshops, media campaigns and concerts are all eligible.


Full support from EUSEW is available by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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