
Local and Regional Energy Agencies (LAREAs)

Local and Regional Energy Agencies (LAREAs) (2)

Achieving the requirements and objectives of the Covenant of Mayors does not only require political commitment, but also technical capacities. Local and regional energy agencies have been active in these fields for decades and their knowledge and expertise in local energy policy could be very useful for the Covenant signatories. Hence the Covenant of Mayors is a good opportunity for Energy Agencies to have their role better recognized and to gain more visibility to their actions.


Local and regional energy agencies should play a double role deriving from their missions: first, as promoters of the Covenant of Mayors towards the cities and towns in their areas, and second, as providers of technical expertise for the Covenant signatories, especially those lacking the necessary financial and/or human resources to fulfill their commitments under the Covenant.


Hence, LAREAs are encouraged to enter (re)new(ed) cooperation agreements directly with the public authority (ies) of their territory to support them in achieving the requirements and objectives of the Covenant of Mayors. LAREAs can become Covenant Supporters and can also work in close co-operation with the Covenant Coordinators, acting as their armed wing to deliver technical support to Covenant signatories.

National energy agencies can be involved as 'Covenant Coordinators'.


Local and regional energy agencies can become Covenant Supporter by signing a commitment document in which they engage in supporting local and regional authorities on their territories. More information on the procedure here.

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