
Reference data tool

Reference data tool (2)

Thursday, 06 December 2018 13:55

What is the Reference Data Tool?

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The Reference Data Tool (RDT) was developed by the Office of the Covenant of Mayors East in order to provide local self-government bodies with reference data related to final energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission (CO2), necessary in the process of the Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and Emission Inventory Monitoring (EIM)* development.


The tool contains the data base broken by national statistical energy consumption figures for specific sectors and energy carriers for each of 11 Eastern Partnership and Middle Asian countries. The data is provided in the following sectors: residential buildings, services (offices, shops, hospitals, and equipment/edifices), industry, agriculture, and transport.


The list of energy resources includes electricity, heat/cold, natural gas, liquefied gas, heating fuel, diesel, petroleum, lignite/coal, other types of fossil fuels and agricultural oils / biofuel.


*) It should be noted that the tool has been developed for the sake reference data provision in cases there is no reliable local data for some years and/or sectors. That may be particularly topical for small communities where there is a local data collection system for small communities with no local data collection system.

The Reference Data Tool represents the following sectors: residential buildings, services (offices, shops, hospitals equipment/constructions), industry, agriculture and transport as well as other energy carriers: electricity, heat/cold, natural gas, liquefied gass, heating fuel, diesel, petroleum, lignite / coal, other types of fossil fuels and agricultural oils / biofuel.

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