
Exceeding a deadline - Signatory on hold

Exceeding a deadline - Signatory on hold (2)

Tuesday, 24 April 2018 14:37

When will a signatory be put on hold?

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As described in the commitment documents all Signatories accept suspension of their membership in the initiative in case, they do not submit the above-mentioned documents (SEAP/SECAP and monitoring reports) within the established deadlines. This is a part of the Covenant Commitments, which all Signatories have committed to when signing the Covenant of Mayors. When a signatory is put on hold, their profile on the public website will turn grey and will not appear when searching for signatories.

A signatory that has exceeded a reporting deadline and has been put on hold will still have access to their signatory profile under ‘My Covenant’ and can always come back on track. As soon as the signatory has submitted the missing report it will automatically re-appear as an active signatory on the public website and in the search engine for active Signatories. The delay is not recorded anywhere on the public website and will have no consequences for the future Covenant of Mayors activities.

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