Анна Деркач

Анна Деркач

Ուրբաթ, 03 Ապրիլի 2020 13:54


Հրազդանի համայնքապետարանի տանիքին 25.56 կՎտ հզորությամբ բաշխիչ ցանցին ինտեգրված արևային ՖՎ համակարգի կառուցում:


Ուրբաթ, 03 Ապրիլի 2020 13:16


Գավառում 7 համայնքային կառույցների տանիքներին 43.5 կՎտ գումարային հզորությամբ արևային ՖՎ համակարգերի կառուցում:


Երկուշաբթի, 30 Մարտի 2020 11:31


Ալավերդի համայնքի մշակույթի կենտրոնի տանիքին 31.95 կՎտ հզորությամբ բաշխիչ ցանցին ինտեգրված արևային ՖՎ համակարգի կառուցում:


Երկուշաբթի, 23 Մարտի 2020 12:34

Digital event: Accelerating the energy retrofitting in condominiums

Dear Colleagues!

Municipalities and regions have a key role to play in the energy retrofit of condominiums. Many of them are already addressing the residential sector as part of their climate policies, but they are still often unaware of the specific challenges and needs of condominiums. That is why we propose this events on that topic:

In the context of the European Green Deal and the new framework of the Eastern Partnership, the European Commission is happy to announce the launch of the second EU Sustainable Energy Award for the Eastern Partnership.

The European Green Deal is a new roadmap for Europe's economy and society to become climate-neutral by 2050. How? By turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities across all policy areas, by making the transition just and inclusive for all, and by improving the well-being and health of citizens and future generations.

We are very happy to announce that the 2020 Call for Proposals of the Partnership for sustainable cities has been published.

If you are seeking to rethink the boundaries of our actions, or dreaming of a place to make your work visible and find new partners, the first Cities and Citizens Energy Forum is for you!

Street lighting in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia and the signatory of the Covenant of Mayors, is rapidly being changed thanks to large-scale and consistent actions aimed to replace old street lamps with new energy-saving LED lamps, implemented by the Municipality of Yerevan with the support of the United Nations Development Program in Armenia and other partners.

On November 30, 2019, the closing ceremony of the “Access to Renewable and Efficient Energy in Vayk and Spitak Municipalities” (AREEM) project, implemented by the Habitat for Humanity Armenia Fund within the framework of the program “Covenant of Mayors - Demonstration Projects” was held in Yerevan with financial support from European Union and with co-financing of local city administrations.

Բաժանորդագրվեք նորություններին