Raphael Chatelet

Raphael Chatelet

ოთხშაბათი, 23 იანვარი 2019 14:42

Global Climate City Challenge: competitive selection

The Global Climate City Challenge a joint initiative of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM), launched a competitive selection for providing technical assistance to help prepare and fast-track financing of urban climate action projects from municipal and local authorities or entities such as municipal companies, utilities and local banks with an interest in addressing climate change.

ორშაბათი, 21 იანვარი 2019 15:44

Financing Sustainable Energy Projects

ორშაბათი, 21 იანვარი 2019 15:50

The European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) 2019

ორშაბათი, 21 იანვარი 2019 16:05

Upscaling Hydrogen Gensets in European Cities

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