ხუთშაბათი, 19 ნოემბერი 2020 15:40

Moldova energy and biomass project

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The Moldova Energy and Biomass Project, funded by EU, co-funded and implemented by UNDP, aims to contribute to a more secure, competitive and sustainable energy production in the Republic of Moldova. It lays the basis for the establishment of functional markets for biomass technologies while increasing the use of renewable energy sources, in particular for heating public buildings and households in rural areas. New jobs and income are created and secured through the establishment of value-added chains at the local and regional level through the supply of biomass fuel and technologies.


ხუთშაბათი, 19 ნოემბერი 2020 15:40

Moldova, Copceac and Soroca: Improving of territorial planning and land use practices

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The long-term goal of the Project was in reforming the manner in which agricultural, forestry and other production activities are planned and regulated across different land units and tenure categories at the landscape level.
The Project focus was biodiversity conservation, however it addressed anticipated negative impacts of Climate Change (CC) by increasing resilience of the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the targeted districts. By removing the precursors of degradation and careful monitoring of the self-restoration 14 capacities of steppe, forest, meadows and swamp the project contributes to higher resilience of the ecosystems and the species they host, to CC impacts. The project also provisioned afforestation, influencing future humidity conditions through changes in both, temperature and precipitation.


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