Economic and Social Impacts of Climate Change, Climate Finance and Green Financing, Capacity Building, Strategic Development, SME and Rural Development
- Azerbaijan
With the expansion of the Covenant of Mayors to the Eastern Partnership (EaP) region and active growth in the number of signatories in the region, considering the more ambitious commitments and demanding monitoring and reporting requirements, as well as in the context of the need for harmonization of local climate and energy strategies with national policies (e.g. NDCs) and international procedures (GCoM), the necessity to establish a regional methodological advisory body contributing to the development of the Initiatives for the benefit of the participating communities has become relevant.
The overarching goal of the Group of Practitioners is to bring together advanced signatories, stakeholders and experts in relevant fields willing to provide their input on key methodological and strategic developments of the Covenant both in individual countries and for the EaP region as a whole.
At the same time, the Group shall contribute to the strengthening networking and experience exchange between the practitioners from EaP and other regions.
The Group consists of representatives of the Covenant National and Territorial Coordinators, Covenant Supporters, signatories, stakeholders as well as experts from EaP countries with a background and experience relevant to the general or sectoral topics of the Group discussions.
Meetings and online discussions of the Group are usually organized once or twice a year but, if necessary, discussions can be organized more often.
Recommendations made by the Group will be taken into account in the decision-making process by the CoM East Secretariat and the Steering Committee.
The work of the Group is supported by CoM East through its Helpdesk in its capacity of the Technical Secretariat of the Practitioner’s Group consisting of:
The Secretariat is responsible for the following activities:
This section will be filled in after the first meeting of the Group