Join CoM Initiative

The Covenant of Mayors welcomes all levels of governance, as well as relevant supporting organisations, agencies and associations, to join the initiative and help fast-track local climate and energy action. See below for more details on how you can join. The Covenant of Mayors welcomes all levels of governance, as well as relevant supporting organisations, agencies and associations, to join the initiative and help fast-track local climate and energy action. See below for more details on how you can join.

How to join the initiative

To join the ever-growing movement, local authorities should undertake the following process:

  1. Present the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy initiative to the municipal council. In order to facilitate the council discussion.

  2. Once an official resolution has been adopted by the council, mandate the mayor – or equivalent representative of the council – to sign the Covenant adhesion form.

  3. After signature, complete your information online and upload your duly signed adhesion form; take note of the next steps, outlined in a confirmation e-mail sent to the local authority council.

Why join

Covenant of Mayors signatories find multiple reasons to join the movement, which include:

Enhanced cooperation and support from national and subnational authorities

High international recognition and visibility for the local authority’s climate and energy action

Opportunity to contribute to shaping the EU’s climate and energy policy

Credible commitments through progress review and monitoring

Better financial opportunities for their local climate and energy projects

Practical support (helpdesk), guidance material and tools

Innovative ways to network, exchange experiences and build capacity through regular events, twinings, webinars or online discussions

When to join

Local authorities can sign the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy at any time.

Who is eligible

The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy is open to all local authorities democratically constituted with/by elected representatives, whatever their size and whatever the stage of implementation of their energy and climate policies. Neighbouring small and medium-sized local authorities can also, under certain conditions, decide to join as a group of signatories and submit a joint Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan, either committing individually (option 1) or collectively (option 2) to the 35% CO2 reduction target and to an increased resilience to climate change – more information in the Covenant website FAQ section.

List of signatories

How to join

To register as an official Covenant Coordinator your organisation should go through the following steps:

  1. Sign the official adhesion form for Covenant Coordinators and fill in the registration form online

  2. After confirmation of eligibility, complete and sign the commitment statement sent by the Covenant of Mayors Office

  3. Upon reception of the signed commitment statement, the Covenant of Mayors Office will create an online profile for your administration. It will allow you to actively participate in the Covenant of Mayors community and help you better support your associated signatories.

Why join

The advantages of becoming Covenant Coordinator are manifold:

Endorsement and recognition from the European Commission

Large visibility on an international scale,notably through promotion of their actions on their Covenant website

Networking, experience and knowleadge-sharing with European counterparts

Participation in dedicated discussion groups,workshops and other experience-sharing platforms

Scientific and technical feedback on tools and methodologies developed

Consolidation of territorial development and strengthening of local governance

When to join

Covenant Coordinators can join the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy at any time via the registration form found to the right on this page.

Who is eligible

Provinces, regions, ministries, metropolitan areas, groupings of local authorities… Any public authority that officially commits to providing strategic guidance, financial and technical support to Covenant signatories will be officially recognized as a Covenant Coordinator.

Should you require further clarifications, please contact the Covenant Helpdesk at


How to join

Associations of Local Authorities, Networks, Agencies interested in obtaining the status of Covenant Supporter should go through the following steps:

N.B. Most Agencies and their networks could be eligible and will be encouraged to sign the commitment pledge and to become active supporters of the Covenant of Mayors initiative, with the exception of those for-profit agencies, with a project-by-project mandate and mostly privately financed. However the decision will be made on a case-by-case basis, and eligibility can be checked through the helpdesk.

  1. Fill-in the online adhesion form

  2. After confirmation of eligibility, complete and sign the Commitment Statement sent by the Covenant of Mayors Office

  3. Upon reception of the duly filled-in and signed Commitment Statement, the Covenant of Mayors Office will create an online profile for your organisation. It will allow you to actively participate in the Covenant of Mayors community and help you to better support your associated signatories.

Why join

The advantages of becoming Covenant Supporter are manifold:

Endorsement and recognition from the European Commission

Receive large visibility on an international scale,notably through promotion of their actions on their Covenant website

Networking, experience and knowleadge-sharing with European counterparts

Possibility to promote local authorities’ and own best practices

Participation in dedicated discussion groups,workshops and other experience-sharing platforms

Consolidation of territorial development and strengthening of local governance

When to join

Covenant Supporters can join the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy at any time.

Who is eligible

Networks and Associations of Local and Regional Authorities, European federations, local and regional thematic agencies (energy/environment) can join as Covenant Supporters.

Should you require further information, please contact the Covenant Helpdesk: