Case studies, District heating, Municipal buildings and facilities, Others, RES, Residential buildings, Street lighting, Transport

Covenant of Mayors East Board Charts Course for Climate Action in Eastern Partnership Region

29 Mar 2024

On March 14, 2024, the Covenant of Mayors East (CoM East) Board convened its inaugural meeting, setting an agenda for climate and energy action in the Eastern Partnership region. The meeting brought together key stakeholders from the European Commission, national coordinators, and municipal representatives to address critical issues facing cities in their pursuit of a sustainable, low-carbon future.

Key outcomes of the meeting:

  • Regional Climate Targets: CoM East Board encouraged the development of a common greenhouse gas emission reduction target for the Eastern Partnership region, balancing ambition with the realities faced by municipalities. Further consultations with technical experts and national stakeholders will refine this approach.
  • Enhanced Governance: A new management structure was approved, strengthening the role of the Board and improving coordination between national and regional levels of the initiative
  • .Global Representation: The Board discussed strategies to support Oleksandr Senkevych, Mayor of Mykolaiv, who now represents the Eastern Partnership region on the Global Covenant of Mayors Board, ensuring the region’s voice is heard on the international stage.
  • International Engagement: Plans were initiated to showcase Eastern Partnership cities’ climate achievements and needs at global forums, including the upcoming The 2024 UN Climate Change Conference in Azerbaijan.

“This Board meeting marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the Covenant of Mayors in the Eastern Partnership. It reflects our commitment to empowering cities to lead the charge on climate action,” stated Diana Jablonska, Head of Unit at the European Commission’s DG NEAR.

The CoM East Secretariat will now work to implement the Board’s recommendations, including organizing a regional practitioners’ meeting to further discuss emission reduction targets and preparing for enhanced engagement in global climate initiatives.

“Today’s meeting has set a clear direction for our work in supporting Eastern Partnership cities. We are excited to move forward with ambitious yet achievable climate goals that reflect the unique challenges and opportunities in our region,” Christophe Frering, CoM East Team Leader commented.