Case studies, District heating, Municipal buildings and facilities, Others, RES, Residential buildings, Street lighting, Transport

Georgia: Awarding of Winners in the СoM East Photo Contest “We Go Sustainable”

25 Aug 2020

By sending their selfies shot against the renewable energy/energy efficiency technologies photo enthusiasts from Georgian CoM signatories fought over the prizes in the CoM East photo contest “We Go Sustainable”, conducted by the CoM East together with the Energy Efficiency Center Georgia, which is the Covenant Supporter in Georgia.

On July 10, 2020 during the online presentation of photos submitted for the contest the winners were announced. The photo contest winner became Nino Jeladze from Telavi municipality, while Nukri Kvelashvili from Tbilisi and Magda Machavariani from Gurjaani municipality became the 2-d and 3-d prize winners. 

While due to the COVID-19 pandemics announcement of the winners in the photo contest happened online, the award ceremonies were organized in July in CoM East office in Tbilisi, Telavi and Gurjaani municipalities. Deputy mayors of Telavi and Gurjaani municipalities Phikria Kushitashvili and Teimuraz Zavrashvili welcomed the winners in the contest. George Abulashvili, the CoM East country expert, EECG Director handed over the prizes to the winners: various types of solar home systems and certificates of participation. All the participants of the photo contest received with minor gifts – solar lamps and certificates.