
This website is managed and maintained by the Covenant of Mayors – East Office consortium, led by Energy Cities and composed of Climate AllianceKommunalkredit Public ConsultingEnergy Efficient Cities of UkraineAlliance for Energy Efficiency and Renewables (Moldova), Interakcia (Belarus), Energy Efficiency Centre (Georgia) and Union of Communities of Armenia.

Legal disclaimer

The sole responsibility for the content of this webpage lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Association for Creativity & Innovation nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

General data policy

Your personal data are confidential and will not be disclosed to third-parties without your consent, in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

“MyCovenant” data policy

Signatories and other members of the Covenant of Mayors should be granted access to the “MyCovenant” password-protected area of the website.

Please consult here the full data policy for MyCovenant.

How can you control your personal contact details?

You alone can choose to make your contact details appear on the Covenant of Mayors-Europe website in the following way:

  • Whenever you are asked to fill in your profile on the restricted area, look for the box that you can tick to indicate that you want this information to appear on the Covenant of Mayors – Europe website.
  • If you have previously agreed to display your personal information, you may change your mind at any time by unchecking the corresponding box(es).

Please make sure to inform us of your wishes for each contact detail you share with us.

How can you modify or delete your personal information?

You may update or delete your data and contact details at any time. You just need to login into the extranet and accordingly change your profile (under “My account” > “My team”).

Subscribers to our e-mail lists may terminate their subscriptions via a link at the bottom of each email sent from

How do we secure your personal data?

We are committed to ensuring that your personal information is safe. In order to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of data, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

Access to your personal data is subject to strict security controls like encryption and access control. We do not share your personal data with third parties without your prior consent.

Privacy of our email lists

We maintain e-mail lists to keep interested, eligible individuals informed about important topics, and individuals must affirmatively request to join them.

We configure our list server software to refuse to divulge the email addresses of our list subscribers to anyone other than those whom we authorize. We do not divulge any email address registered from the website.

However, we are not the author of this software, and are not responsible for any failures in the software to preserve subscriber anonymity.


Responsibility for what is filled in the restricted area lies with each user. You alone are responsible for the content of your profile which is made visible on the Covenant of Mayors website. We are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Hence we are not responsible for the actions of third parties, the content of their website, or any products or services they may offer.

Contact us about our privacy policy

If you have any doubt or question regarding this privacy policy, please email us at: