Project Pipeline

CoM Signatories which have produced SECAPs have a tentative longlist of projects to be implemented in order to reach the targets stated in the SECAPs. These projects mentioned in the SECAP, however, provide insufficient information for potential financing institutions. In order to help municipalities to further develop their energy and climate projects and to give financial institutions access to municipal projects, the CoM East secretariat created the CoM East project pipeline tool – web-based application.

The tool is aimed to make it possible for Covenant of Mayors Signatories to upload project proposals and store them in an online database. Interested parties (IFIs, investors, donors, governments, regional/local authorities, etc.) have the possibility to select one or more types of projects and will be provided with a results page showing the projects meeting the selection criteria.

Two types of users are foreseen: i) municipalities (upload projects) and ii) investors (review projects). Projects may be developed for five sectors: building refurbishment, district heating, street lighting, RES and adaptation. The application is available in English and 5 national languages (Armenian, Azerbaijanian, Georgian, Romanian and Ukrainian).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through email: See below the link for the pipeline tool.