Case studies, District heating, Municipal buildings and facilities, Others, RES, Residential buildings, Street lighting, Transport

Ukraine: Call for proposals for hosting the official opening of the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2020 in Ukraine

28 Nov 2019

Since 2010 the EU Delegation to Ukraine has been supporting and coordinating the organisation of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) in Ukraine as part of the largest Europe-wide event promoting sustainable energy, renewables and energy efficiency. The EU Sustainable Energy Week in Ukraine has become an information hub for exchanging on different aspects of sustainable energy policy and has provided an open platform for discussion of best practices and innovative energy ideas.

In 2019, a total of 73 Ukrainian cities and municipalities joined EUSEW to celebrate Energy Days in their communities. Local authorities, private organisations and NGOs set up a series of activities engaging citizens and energy stakeholders in discussions on promoting clean energy, boosting energy efficiency and fighting climate change. In 2019, EUSEW was officially launched in Mykolaiv.

The EU Delegation is inviting Ukrainian cities and municipalities to take part in the call for proposals for the right to host the official opening of EU Sustainable Energy Week which will take place in June 2020. Cities and municipalities that are signatories to the Covenant of Mayors and have made progress in implementing Sustainable Energy (and Climate) Action Plans are invited to participate. Participation in the call for proposal implies that the city is ready to take on organisational and financial obligations to organise a number of public events linked to EUSEW and will ensure the participation of local authorities at the highest level.

The decision about the winner will be taken by the EU Delegation to Ukraine in accordance with the following criteria: activity and efficiency of sustainable city management, active homeowners’ associations, existence of energy efficiency, waste management projects/programmes, transport accessibility, available of infrastructure for the event.

The deadline for submitting proposals is: 31 December 2019

Announcement of the winner is: January 2020

Announcement of the topic of the event: January 2020

In order to submit your proposal, please fill in the following form (maximum 2-3 pages):

1. Name of the city/municipality.
2. Contact person (name, job title, email, phone number).
3. Please describe shortly the priorities your city/municipality has set in the area of sustainable development and climate goals, increase energy efficiency, introduce integrated waste management systems and alternative energy efficient transport solutions, etc.
4. What is the city/municipality doing to improve administrative capacity to achieve these goals? Does the city have active and efficient energy management, waste management and urban public transport system? Please describe shortly.
5. Is your city/municipality running national or municipal projects/programmes aimed at increasing energy efficiency, waste management and alternative transport solutions? Please give examples and describe shortly the achievements under these programmes/projects and how they could be demonstrated to the press and participants of the event.
6. At what level the city authorities will be represented at the event?
7. Does the city/municipality have a well-developed and accessible transport connection with all the regions of Ukraine? Please describe shortly.
8. Does the city/municipality have a well-developed hotel infrastructure for accommodating more than 70 guests? Please describe shortly.
9. Does the city/municipality have infrastructure for holding a conference for 60 people? Please describe shortly.
10. How is the city planning to promote the EUSEW events and attract a high number of citizens?
11. How is the city planning to engage different groups of citizens into the EU Sustainable Energy Week: e.g. children, students, local business, etc.? Which kind of events could you propose to these groups?
12. Does the city have a suitable public space (indoors and outdoors) for large-scale public events? What kind of space? 
Please describe shortly.

Please type your proposal on an official letter-headed template of the city/municipality in Ukrainian or English and address it to the contact person in the EU Delegation to Ukraine: and

All questions related to EUSEW may be addressed to National Expert of the Covenant of Mayors Initiative in Ukraine Oksana Kysil: