Case studies, District heating, Municipal buildings and facilities, Others, RES, Residential buildings, Street lighting, Transport

Ukraine: Competition for the title of “Energy management Star” in the framework of the European Sustainable Energy Week

12 Jun 2020

Dear Signatories!

We would like to invite you to participate in the competition for the title of “Energy management Star” in the framework of the European Sustainable Energy Week.

We are changing the approach to promotion of the work of the energy manager or energy managers’ team in your cities, villages and ATCs. Energy management is not a brand, energy manager is a success!

✅The EU project “Covenant of Mayors – East” will hold the competition for the title “Energy management Star” in the framework of the European Sustainable Energy Week.
An important role in the competition is played by the cooperation of the mayor / village head / ATC head with the energy manager. It is a team game in the planning and implementation of climate and energy policy that will lead to a 100% positive result! Therefore, the leaders of cities, villages, ATCs – support your energy managers and help to get the main prize of the competition – a bicycle (equivalent value of 700 euros)!


  • EU representatives in Ukraine;
  • CoM East representatives;
  • Representatives from the National Coordinators (Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection, Ministry of Community and Territory Development);
  • CoM East Signatories and Supporters (online voting).

The competition will consist of three stages:

The first stage of the competition includes:
1. Writng an essay on the topic «Impact of the energy manager / energy managers’ team on climate and energy policy implementation».
Essay requirements: essay volume – from 0.5 to 1 A4 page, font Times New Roman, point size 14 pt with 1.5 spacing between lines, with deviations from the edges of the sheet in 2 cm from the left and the top and 1.5 cm from the bottom and the right. It is necessary to include a link to the SECAP.
2. One photo from Energy Days: Energy Days Unite Society!

Terms: from 10th to 17th June 2020.
Please send your essay to the email address with in copy.

Only CoM East Signatories are eligible to participate in the competition. Signatories who temporarily suspended their membership are not allowed to take part there.

Materials evaluation:

  • Online voting: 3 winners will be selected based on the results of online and jury votings. Online voting on the project’s Facebook will be opened on June 18 at 9:00 and ended on June 19 at 15:00. You can vote only once. The number of online votes will be calculated as follows:
    – from 10 to 20 likes – 10 points;
    – from 20 to 50 likes – 20 points;
    – from 50 to 100 likes – 30 points;
    – from 100 to 200 likes – 40 points;
    – 200 likes and more – 50 points.
  • Jury voting: Each jury member should give from 10 to 50 points for published materials.

The voting results will be published on June 19 until 19:00.

Energy managers of Zhytomyr City and Baranivska ATC have been automatically moved to the second stage of the competition, as they were identified as the best energy managers of 2019 through an online voting on the project’s Facebook page. And, of course, Ternopil! The city that opens this year’s European Sustainable Energy Week!

The second and third stages of the competition will be held at the same time from June 22 to 26, 2020 in the format of 2-hours online debates on the topic “How to cook energy and climate policy in the style of “clean energy for green growth and sustainability”. The recipes will be shared by the teams of the selected winners of the first stage of online voting, consisting of the mayor / village head / ATC head and energy manager, who must prepare a presentation for 3-5 slides. The duration of the presentation is 10 minutes (5 mins for the mayor / village head / ATC head and 5 mins for energy manager).

After the second stage 3 winners will be sellected through online and jury votings.

The third stage of the competition consists of blitz questions from jury members to mayors / village / ATC heads. The jury members will raise one question, and each of the participants should give an answer within 1 min.

And finally, according to the results of the last stage, the winner of the “Energy management Star” contest will be determined. It is up to you who will get the main prize – the bike! Other participants will also receive worthwhile surprises!