Case studies, District heating, Municipal buildings and facilities, Others, RES, Residential buildings, Street lighting, Transport

Ukraine: Small CoM Signatories trained in effective planning and attracting funds to implement municipal projects

20 Dec 2019

How to strengthen capacities for efficient planning, project implementation and attracting optimal funding sources on the municipal level to meet the Covenant of Mayors commitments? On December 10 – 11, 2019, more than 30 representatives of amalgamated territorial communities and small Ukrainian CoM Signatories took part in the training dedicated to these issues organised by the CoM East project in Kyiv.

With the help of the CoM East Country Expert in Ukraine Oksana Kysil, participants learned how to establish an effective project management structure and to develop a successful long-term investment strategy for implementation of their Sustainable Energy (and Climate) Action Plans (SECAPs). Practical component of the training included calculation of the project economic model in the key SE(C)AP sectors to choose the optimal funding mechanism. The trainees also had an opportunity to present, share and discuss the experience of different Ukrainian Signatories in the course of implementing their SE(C)APs.