Case studies, District heating, Municipal buildings and facilities, Others, RES, Residential buildings, Street lighting, Transport

Ukraine: Training on “Specific sectorial areas of SE(C)AP implementation: technical aspects”

19 Aug 2020

On August 18-19, 2020, the Office of “Covenant of Mayors – East” in Ukraine held the training on “Specific sectorial areas of SE(C)AP implementation: technical aspects” in Myrhorod.

The purpose of the training was to improve the internal capacity of Signatories on the SECAP implementation. This training was aimed to help CoM Signatories to identify the most attractive and effective measures in the field of mitigation and adaptation within SECAP implementation from technical point of view, as well as to understand the main technical phases of the project implementation and project management cycle within donors’ and IFIs requirements. It covered the following SE(C)AP sectors: buildings (public and residential), public street lighting, renewable energy production (RES) and other sectors (DH and waste management, water management).

Training included three areas of activities:

  1. Theoretical part that consisted of presentations and discussions.
  2. Practical part that consisted of working in groups.
  3. Site visit to municipal district heating company, public buildings (school and kindergarten), residential buildings.

The visit to mentioned social and residential facilities has shown the typical EE measures for the Building sectors and the role of municipal energy management structure within different project stages (project planning, implementation and monitoring).

During the visit to the biomass boiler-house the training participants got acquainted with selected technologies and technical solutions for production of heat and hot water from biomass.