The team experts of CoM - East project from Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, together with representatives of municipalities of several towns and cities of these countries, namely, Dedoplistskaro and Poti (Georgia), Sireti and Ialoveni (Moldova), Baryshivka, Bucha, Irpin, Mykolaiv and Rivne (Ukraine), were active participants of the World Urban Forum in Katowice, Poland, and also had a study visit to a Polish city of Cieszyn by the invitation of partners from this city. It was an extremely valuable, intensive and fruitful time of exchange of experience.

The Covenant of Mayors - East project’s kick-off visit to Armenia aimed at ensuring a smooth start of the third phase of the project implementation in this country, its specific objectives being the following: to introduce the compliance of the goals and planned activities with national priorities, as well as the needs and expectations of local partners, to plan common activities for the upcoming 1-2 years of the project implementation, to update the work programme, if needed, to reflect acceptable proposals and suggestions made by stakeholders.

On 19 May 2022, a meeting between various interested key stakeholders in the framework of the EU-funded project “Covenant of Mayors - East Phase III” was held in Tbilisi. The meeting was aimed at  presenting the project’s new phase to high level representatives of key national institutions (the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development) and  at discussing country specific effective activities for Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP) development and implementation. That is, the aim of the meeting was to involve not only MoESD and MoEPA, but also other key stakeholders (MoF, MoIRD) in the Covenant of Mayors’ policy for the implementation of SECAP through local funding instruments, and also to promote financing of sustainable energy investment projects implementation. 

On 19 May 2022, the Covenant of Mayors - East project, with the support provided by the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine as the National Coordinator of the Covenant of Mayors, organized the event for Ukrainian communities entitled “Planning to restore the functioning of critical community infrastructure: public buildings” with 216 participants taking part in it, more than 170 of them were representatives of communities. 

At the beginning of June 2022, the municipality of the city of Khirdalan joined the Covenant of Mayors initiative with the commitment to reduce CO2 emissions on its territory by at least 30% by 2030 and to increase its resilience by adapting the impacts of climate change.

With the financial support of the European Union and within the framework of EC-funded “Covenant of Mayor - Demonstration projects” Programme, Yerevan Municipality is implementing "EU4Yerevan - Solar Community" project.

The government of the Republic of Armenia has approved the procedure for the implementation of the state support program for energy efficient renovation of apartments and private houses. The program envisages full or partial subsidization of interest rates on loans for energy efficient renovation of apartments.

The procedure defines the requirements for the beneficiaries, the criteria for energy efficiency that are eligible within the scope of the programme, the loan expenditure options, the loan interest rate subsidy procedure, the grounds for termination of the subsidy, the requirements for project monitoring and accountability.

On May 17, 2022 the third meeting of the Municipal Development Coordination Platform of Covenant of Mayors Club was held in Yerevan, organized by the Republican Association of Communities of Armenia and the Country Expert in Armenia.

From April 11 to April 14, 2022 the Inception mission with the participation of Mr. Christophe Frering - Team Leader, Ms. Iryna Horodyska - Capacity Building and Helpdesk Coordinator, Mr. Jan Wanders - Policy and Institutional Relations Coordinator, Mr. Ivan Shchadranok – Regional Coordination Expert and Trainer and Mr. Jahangir Afandiyev - Country Expert for Azerbaijan held meetings with main stakeholders of the CoM initiative in Azerbaijan.

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