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European standards in energy efficiency to be implemented in Azerbaijan

Despite the fact that Azerbaijan produces an oversupply of electricity, the country’s consumption exceeds the average figures in industrialized countries, where large-scale energy saving programs have been implemented.
Azerbaijan has been actively working in this direction in recent years, with the support of European partners. It resulted in the approval of a new law on the efficient use of energy resources and energy efficiency in August of last year.
Now the task is to draw up and adopt by-laws that would regulate the application of the new law in practice. Joint work in this direction is carried out within the framework of the European project “Support for Further Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Azerbaijan”.
“Our goal is to assist Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Energy in developing and adopting regulations for the new law in two major areas: energy certification of buildings and the implementation of minimum energy saving standards on electrical appliances sold in the country,” says EU project lead expert Bilyana Chobanova.
Within the framework of the project, experts from relevant ministries and departments are also being taught to familiarize them with the use of energy saving requirements in practice and to address all of their inquiries. A group of engineers is also being educated who will conduct an energy audit of buildings in Azerbaijan in the fall to determine the general picture – what percentage of buildings need to improve their energy class.
“At the moment, there are ongoing debates about how European energy efficiency requirements may be applied in Azerbaijan.” “The idea is not to mindlessly imitate foreign norms, but to adapt them to local realities,” Bilyana Chobanova told.
An important component of the project will be an information component, as it is important for society to realize the necessity for steps to enhance energy efficiency in our country and to appreciate the benefits of these innovations.
“Of course, the most significant motivator for a person is to save his own money.” “You will drastically cut your monthly utility expenses for years to come if you improve the energy efficiency of your home or choose a more energy-efficient refrigerator,” explains Bilyana Chobanova.
“However, in addition to financial rewards, every watt of electricity saved is an investment in a better future for our precious planet.” As a result, keep in mind that “everyone’s tiny effort eventually becomes a significant contribution of all mankind,” the expert noted.
Energy saving in buildings
The residential sector in Azerbaijan is the largest consumer of electricity, which means it has the most potential for reducing energy usage.
“We urge Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Energy to prioritize public buildings such as kindergartens, schools, government organizations, and ministries.” “At the entrance, a sign indicating the energy class of the building – from low D to high A,” Bilyana Chobanova suggested.
“If, after some time, energy efficiency works are carried out in the building,” she continues, “this should also be shown on the label to show progress.”
According to the expert’s pan-European experience, the property owner is interested in the high energy class of his house or flat. Not only does this save him money on heating and cooling in the winter and summer. The greater a house’s energy class, the higher its selling price.
If some measures for the thermal insulation of the premises are within the competence of the owner – for example, the installation of high-quality windows and doors – then the insulation of the entire facade of the building will require the participation of the state.
The new Energy Efficiency Law requires both taking thermal insulation standards into account in new structures and enhancing the level of energy efficiency in existing housing stock.
According to Bilyana Chobanova, the implementation of new energy requirements in construction will provide new chances for many people in the country: competent engineers, designers, architects, manufacturers, and sellers of high-quality windows and doors will be required, which means new types of companies and employment will be created.
A crucial step toward reducing energy usage in buildings, according to the expert, would be to break the social habit of overheating in the winter and supercooling in the summer. Using Germany as an example, she observes that in the winter, the temperature in the premises seldom rises over 22 degrees. Summer temperatures do not fall below 25 degrees.
“In addition to saving electricity, this strategy prevents a sharp temperature decrease when it enters the room from the street, which is harmful to human health,” she explains.
Electrical appliance labeling
The second component of the project is Azerbaijan’s preparation for the implementation of obligatory energy labeling for household electrical appliances, as well as the development of a minimum level of energy savings when household appliances are imported into the country.
Experts recommend establishing energy class D as the initial minimal criterion for imported equipment. Almost all household appliances on the market in the European Union today are class A or B.
To understand the difference, let’s give an example: if the Soviet TV “Rubin” consumes 270 watts, then modern A++ energy class models consume only 40-70 watts.
“The current legislation for the implementation of energy efficiency standards for household appliances and electrical appliances imported into the country will be an incentive for all market players – dealers, importers, manufacturers,” says Necmettin Tokur, an eco-design and eco-labeling expert from Turkey.
He believes that using energy standards when importing household appliances will help customers by providing them with more efficient and high-quality items. The experience of European countries demonstrates that such policies do not result in higher market pricing.
“If Azerbaijan establishes minimum quality standards in the sphere of energy efficiency of electrical appliances, this will offer customers confidence that the items they have purchased match current standards and requirements,” he stated in an interview with
According to Necmettin Tokur, there is currently no clear data on what percentage of Azerbaijani household appliances do not satisfy at least the basic energy saving standards.
“In the absence of any standards, it is impossible to say how the items supplied on the market meet or fail to satisfy the requirements, since they are simply not approved,” he explained.
At the same time, he remarked with delight that a short inspection of household appliance businesses in Baku’s downtown reveals that, despite the lack of control in this field, most of the items are still labeled. Furthermore, vendors and consultants are familiar with energy labeling and are ready to address the buyer’s questions.
Comparative process of consumption of the energy efficiency system with how it took place in European countries over the past 20 years, Necmettin Tokur of Economics: determining this indicator of household consumption by at least 10%. According to him, this is a very significant indicator.
The project “Support to Further Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Azerbaijan” is designed for the period until the end of 2022. According to project experts, the Ministry of Energy plans to submit the final draft of by-laws to the Cabinet for consideration in mid-October.
All documentation is expected to be accepted by early 2023.
Source of informatoin